Financial Education Courses

in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code.


Signup Step 1

Credit Counseling

(This course is to be taken BEFORE your case has been filed)

Pre-BK Counseling Disclosures


Credit Card Management Services, Inc. Dba, (CCMS), will be assisting you with information and education on budget analysis that will examine your financial situation, discuss the factors that may be the cause of your problems, and explore your options for developing a reasonable plan for dealing with them. CCMS will provide you with information about bankruptcy, including its process and possible consequences. CCMS will also consider alternatives to bankruptcy without incurring negative amortization of debt to resolve your problems.

It is CCMS’s view that the purpose of this session is to provide you with information so that you may chose the option that you think is best. At the conclusion of this session, a counselor will conduct a personal interaction with you to discuss the factors that may be the cause of your problems of your financial situation prior to providing you with a certificate that you will need should you decide to file for bankruptcy. Certificates will only be issued to those completing the counseling services.

CCMS has an obligation to provide a certificate promptly and will be issued no later than one business day after the client’s completion of counseling services. The certificate is valid for up to 180 days from the date and time the counseling was completed and not the date the Certificate was issued. CCMS is a non-profit agency organized and operating in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. CCMS counselors are certified or accredited in accordance with the standards of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education and/or the Center for Financial Certifications™, the Partnership for Financial Education, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation’s NeighborWorks® Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling or are State Certified Teachers.

While CCMS counselors have expertise in helping those with financial problems, he/she cannot provide you with legal advice. In fact, this session is designed to provide you with information and alternatives; it is not intended to take the place of a consultation with an attorney to explore your legal rights and options. CCMS is approved to issue certificates evidencing completion of credit counseling in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of the Provider’s services. The United States Trustee and the Bankruptcy Administrator has reviewed CCMS’s Credit Counseling Services and Debtor Education Course. The United States Trustee nor the Bankruptcy Administrator has neither reviewed nor approved other services of CCMS.

CCMS will not disclose any such information that you provide orally or in writing to anyone, except as authorized by you, in writing, or as required by law, such as in response to a subpoena; and as pursuant to our privacy policy found at; and may disclose information to UST in connection with the UST’s oversight of the agency, or during on-site visits, or during quality of service reviews. CCMS may compile data and aggregate information that you provide CCMS, but this information will not be disclosed to others in such a manner that it would personally identify you. CCMS will not disclose or provide any information about this session to a credit-reporting agency.

If you should decide to enter into a Debt Management Plan (“DMP”) (which will be explained in the course of this session) you will be provided with separate agreement and disclosure forms. A client has the opportunity to negotiate an alternative payment schedule with regard to each unsecured debt under terms as set forth in 11 U.S.C. 502(k). CCMS may offer alternative payment plans, if available through your scheduled creditors. If unavailable, you may be referred to another approved agency; additional fees may be incurred. Entering into a debt management program will not negatively affect your FICO score but may make it more difficult to obtain loans in the future. Should you decide to file bankruptcy, it could negatively affect your credit report for up to 10 years. The completion of a credit counseling or debtor education course does not negatively affect your credit report.

To help cover the cost of providing this session to you, CCMS charges a fee. In limited circumstances, you may be eligible to have this fee waived. See our Needs Based Fee Schedule. Client, whose certificate expired within 12 months of original date issued, will be provided a courtesy waiver to retake the credit counseling course at no additional charge. CCMS also receives funding in the form of grants from creditors, government and private corporations. A portion of funding for CCMS comes from voluntary contributions from creditors who participate in DMPs. Since creditors have a financial interest in having debts repaid, most are willing to make a contribution to help fund the overall services of CCMS. These contributions are usually calculated as a percentage of payments that are made through a DMP. Again, should you decide to enter into a DMP, you will receive specific information on the DMP processes. CCMS is prohibited from paying or receiving referral fees for the referral of clients, except under a fair share agreement

CCMS serves all members of the community. CCMS does not engage in the practice of discrimination in the selection and participation of applicants in its programs or services with respect to race, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, color, gender, national origin, or handicap. CCMS provides services to clients with limited English proficiency for languages other than the languages CCMS provides, CCMS is willing to work with client family members or a close friend of a client to accommodate the completion of counseling sessions in languages other than those languages provided at CCMS. If a friend or family member is not available, translation services will be acquired through CCMS, at no additional charge to the limited English proficient client; certificates will be provided in English until the EOUST provides them in available languages of the client.

You provide CCMS your express written consent to receive pre-recorded message(s) calls and/or auto dialer voice, emails or text(s) calls from us on a landline and/or mobile phone for the purpose of any and all communication(s) including but not limited to: counseling and education call(s), survey(s), statuses and/or sale(s) offer(s) call(s) because of our established business relationship. Message and data rates may apply. By participating in Texting, you affirm you are authorized to agree to receive mobile contacts on the mobile number and responsible for any mobile message or data charges incurred. Check with your service provider for details on specific fees and charges that may apply. Messages will be sent periodically, at various times, and may be sent any day or time. You acknowledge that messages you send CCMS may not be received by CCMS and that it is your responsibility to ensure CCMS receives any message you communicate to CCMS.

I/we understand that an accredited; a certified credit counselor or a counselor who has successfully completed a course of study acceptable to the US Trustees or the Bankruptcy Administrator; and has completed a minimum of six months in a related area, will conduct the session and recommend action plans.

I/we hold the agency, its employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any claim, suit, action, or demand of my creditors, myself or any other person resulting from advice or counseling. This provision shall not apply to actions or claims under the provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq.

Schedule of Classes

Daily: Courses Available!
Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00 am - 9:00 pm EST; Fri 9:00 am - 7:00 pm EST; Sat 10:00 am - 3:00 pm EST; Sun by appointments (excluding holidays)
Call: 1-800-920-2262 to make an appointment or start online at
Location: Offices of Credit Card Management Services, Inc. D/b/a
FL: 1325 N Congress Ave., Ste 201, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
MA: 400 W. Cummings Park, Ste. 4250, Woburn, MA 01801

**Needs Based Fee Schedule
Method Reg. Fee *Fee Reduction Pro Bono
Internet $24 $19 $9
**Phone $44 $24 $14

Materials Fee Policy (non-refundable): An additional $6.00 fee is required by clients completing the phone course with an address in Alabama or North Carolina.

**Fee Waiver Policy: If your annual household income falls below 150% of the current year HHS Poverty Guidelines, you are presumed to be eligible for a fee waiver. CCMS may charge you a reduced fee, if CCMS determines, based on income information that you submit in connection with counseling services, that you are able to pay the fee in a reduced amount. Written verification MUST be provided in order for fees to be waived including last two months pay stubs, tax returns, W2s or 1099s, profit and loss statements for self-owned businesses and/or other income proof. Email a request for a waiver to

Refer to poverty guidelines by clicking here.

I. You are you:
Under penalty of perjury, I/We certify to the best of my/our knowledge that all of the information on this application is true, correct, and complete and made in good faith. I/We certify that I/We will personally complete the pre-filing bankruptcy counseling or pre-discharge bankruptcy educational course. I/We understand that knowingly making a false or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation about my/our identity or completion of the course work is a violation of the requirements of Federal law.
II. Filing voluntary:
I/we are filing bankruptcy voluntarily and no one is forcing me/us to file against my/our will.
III. Not legal advice:
Although a counselor may answer general questions about bankruptcy, the agency does not provide legal or tax advice. If legal or tax advice is needed, you should seek the appropriate assistance from an attorney or tax professional.
IV. Legal Disclosure:
It is illegal for someone other than you to take’s online Pre-petition Bankruptcy Counseling Session. will not issue a certificate if it is found that the person taking this online Pre-petition Bankruptcy Counseling Session is not you.